
Used by
Complex Type ContainsDefinition
Namespace No namespace
Contains an artefact (here: a concept or a template), referenced by a ref (id). 
If no flexibility is given, flexibility DYNAMIC is assumed, STATIC date otherwise.
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
datasetEffectiveDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the dataset effectiveDate for the inherited concept
datasetExpirationDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the dataset expirationDate for the original concept
datasetId optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the dataset id for the original concept
datasetStatusCode optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the dataset statusCode for the inherited concept
datasetVersionLabel optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the dataset versionLabel for the original concept
flexibility StaticFlexibility required
iEffectiveDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the effectiveDate for the inherited concept
iExpirationDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the expirationDate for the inherited concept
iStatusCode optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the statusCode for the inherited concept
iType optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the type for the original concept
iVersionLabel optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the versionLabel for the inherited concept
localInherit optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains a boolean for whether or not the relationship 'lives' in the same project or not
originalEffectiveDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept effectiveDate for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
originalExpirationDate optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept expirationDate for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
originalId optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept id for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
originalPrefix optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept project prefix for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
originalStatusCode optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept statusCode for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
originalVersionLabel optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the concept versionLabel for the original concept, if the inherited concept was itself an inheriting/containing concept
prefix optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the project prefix for the original concept
ref Oid required
refdisplay xs:string optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the calculated display name for the value in @ref
<xs:complexType name="ContainsDefinition">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en-US">Contains an artefact (here: a concept or a template), referenced by a ref (id). If no flexibility is given, flexibility DYNAMIC is assumed, STATIC date otherwise.</xs:documentation>
  <!-- attributes of contains (validation done by embedded schematron) -->
  <xs:attribute name="ref" type="Oid" use="required"/>
  <!-- attributes of contains (validation done by embedded schematron) -->
  <xs:attribute name="flexibility" type="StaticFlexibility" use="required"/>
  <!-- Only relevant after compilation -->
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="InheritCompilationAttributes"/>
Attribute ContainsDefinition / @ref
Namespace No namespace
Type Oid
use required
maxLength 255
pattern [0-2](\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*))*
Used by
Complex Type ContainsDefinition
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="Oid" use="required"/>
Attribute ContainsDefinition / @flexibility
Namespace No namespace
Type StaticFlexibility
Type hierarchy
use required
pattern \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
Used by
Complex Type ContainsDefinition
<xs:attribute name="flexibility" type="StaticFlexibility" use="required"/>