
Identity Constraints
Used by
Element rules
Namespace No namespace
content complex
Used by
Element decor
Children structuredefinition, structuredefinitionAssociation, template, templateAssociation
  <templateAssociation effectiveDate="" templateId="">{0,unbounded}</templateAssociation>
  <template canonicalUri="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" id="" ident="" isClosed="false" lastModifiedDate="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" ref="" referencedFrom="" statusCode="" url="" versionLabel="">{0,unbounded}</template>
  <structuredefinition canonicalUri="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" flexibility="" id="" lastModifiedDate="" link="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" ref="" statusCode="" versionLabel="">{0,unbounded}</structuredefinition>
  <structuredefinitionAssociation effectiveDate="" structuredefinitionId="">{0,unbounded}</structuredefinitionAssociation>
Identity constraints
QName Type Refer Selector Field(s)
template-idversion-unique unique template @id; @effectiveDate
template-ref-unique unique template @ref
templateAssociation-idversion-unique unique templateAssociation @templateId; @effectiveDate
structuredefinition-idversion-unique unique structuredefinition @id; @effectiveDate
structuredefinition-uri-version-unique unique structuredefinition @canonicalUri; @version
<xs:element name="rules">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="templateAssociation" type="TemplateAssociationDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="template" type="TemplateDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:unique name="templateversion-node-id-unique">
          <xs:selector xpath=".//element | .//attribute"/>
          <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
      <xs:element name="structuredefinition" type="StructureDefinitionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="structuredefinitionAssociation" type="StructureDefinitionAssociationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <!-- Cannot have two templates carrying the same id and effectiveDate -->
  <xs:unique name="template-idversion-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath="template"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@effectiveDate"/>
  <xs:unique name="template-ref-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath="template"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
  <!-- Cannot have two templateAssociations for the same template (based on id and effectiveDate) -->
  <xs:unique name="templateAssociation-idversion-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath="templateAssociation"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@templateId"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@effectiveDate"/>
  <!-- Cannot have two structuredefinitions carrying the same id and effectiveDate -->
  <xs:unique name="structuredefinition-idversion-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath="structuredefinition"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@effectiveDate"/>
  <!-- Cannot have two structuredefinitions carrying the same canonicalUri and version -->
  <xs:unique name="structuredefinition-uri-version-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath="structuredefinition"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@canonicalUri"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@version"/>
Element rules / templateAssociation
Namespace No namespace
Type TemplateAssociationDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children concept
<templateAssociation effectiveDate="" templateId="">
  <concept effectiveDate="" elementId="" elementPath="" ident="" ref="" referencedFrom="" url="">{0,unbounded}</concept>
QName Type Use Annotation
effectiveDate TimeStampNoTimezone required
Reference to the template/@effectiveDate where this template association is referring to (should 
actually be named templateEffectiveDate according to the other attribute @templateId
templateId required
Reference to the template/@id where this template association is referring to
<xs:element name="templateAssociation" type="TemplateAssociationDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element rules / template
Namespace No namespace
Type TemplateDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children assert, attribute, choice, classification, constraint, context, copyright, defineVariable, desc, element, endorsingAuthority, example, include, inherit, item, let, publishingAuthority, purpose, relationship, report, revisionHistory
<template canonicalUri="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" id="" ident="" isClosed="false" lastModifiedDate="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" ref="" referencedFrom="" statusCode="" url="" versionLabel="">
  <desc language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</desc>
  <classification format="hl7v3xml1" type="">{0,unbounded}</classification>
  <relationship flexibility="" ident="" linkedartefactmissing="" model="" template="" tmdisplayName="" tmeffectiveDate="" tmexpirationDate="" tmid="" tmname="" tmstatusCode="" tmversionLabel="" type="" url="">{0,unbounded}</relationship>
  <publishingAuthority id="" inherited="" name="">{0,1}</publishingAuthority>
  <endorsingAuthority id="" inherited="" name="">{0,0}</endorsingAuthority>
  <purpose language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</purpose>
  <copyright inherited="" language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</copyright>
  <revisionHistory by="" date="">{0,0}</revisionHistory>
  <context id="" path="">{0,1}</context>
  <item label="">{0,1}</item>
  <example caption="" type="neutral">{0,unbounded}</example>
  <inherit datasetEffectiveDate="" datasetExpirationDate="" datasetId="" datasetStatusCode="" datasetVersionLabel="" effectiveDate="" iEffectiveDate="" iExpirationDate="" iStatusCode="" iType="" iVersionLabel="" localInherit="" originalEffectiveDate="" originalExpirationDate="" originalId="" originalPrefix="" originalStatusCode="" originalVersionLabel="" prefix="" ref="" refdisplay="">{0,0}</inherit>
  <attribute classCode="" contextConductionInd="" contextControlCode="" datatype="" determinerCode="" extension="" id="" independentInd="" institutionSpecified="" inversionInd="" isOptional="" mediaType="" moodCode="" name="" negationInd="" nullFlavor="" operator="" prohibited="" qualifier="" representation="" root="" typeCode="" unit="" use="" value="">{0,unbounded}</attribute>
  <choice maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="">{1,unbounded}</choice>
  <element conformance="" contains="" datatype="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" flexibility="" id="" isClosed="false" isMandatory="" lastModifiedDate="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" statusCode="" strength="required" useWhere="false" versionLabel="">{1,unbounded}</element>
  <include conformance="" flexibility="" isMandatory="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" ref="">{1,unbounded}</include>
  <let name="" value="">{0,unbounded}</let>
  <assert flag="" role="" see="" test="">{0,unbounded}</assert>
  <report flag="" role="" see="" test="">{0,unbounded}</report>
  <defineVariable name="" path="">{0,unbounded}</defineVariable>
  <constraint language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</constraint>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
canonicalUri xs:anyURI optional
HL7® FHIR® canonical URI. Logical URI to reference this StructureDefinition, logical model, value set, etc. (globally unique)
HL7® FHIR® canonical URI. Logical URI to reference this StructureDefinition, logical model, value set, etc. (globally unique)
HL7® FHIR® kanonieke URI. Logische URI om te verwijzen naar deze StructureDefinition, dit logisch model, waardelijst, etc. (wereldwijd uniek)
displayName NonEmptyString optional
A short description string for the designation
effectiveDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the effective date of the version of the object.
expirationDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the expiration date of the version of the object.
id Oid optional
The identifying OID of the template
ident ShortDescriptiveName optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the project @prefix of the project that defines the dataset, template, or value set
isClosed xs:boolean false optional
Whether the template is open (other elements than specified allowed) or closed (no other elements than specified allowed)
lastModifiedDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies last point in time that the object was changed.
name ShortFormalName required
The mnemonic name of the template
officialReleaseDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the official release date of the version of the object.
ref Oid optional
Reference to a template/@id. Templates SHALL carry either @id or @ref
referencedFrom ShortDescriptiveName optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the project @prefix of the project that referenced the dataset, template, or value set (normally current project)
statusCode TemplateStatusCodeLifeCycle optional
url xs:anyURI optional
Added in compilation process for releases. DO NOT ADD/EDIT yourself. Contains the services URL useful in retrieving the dataset, template, or value set
versionLabel ShortDescriptiveName optional
A human readable version number or version label for convenient human rendition; not used by an application.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than 'No Namespace'
Identity constraints
QName Type Refer Selector Field(s)
templateversion-node-id-unique unique .//element | .//attribute @id
<xs:element name="template" type="TemplateDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  <xs:unique name="templateversion-node-id-unique">
    <xs:selector xpath=".//element | .//attribute"/>
    <xs:field xpath="@id"/>
Element rules / structuredefinition
Namespace No namespace
Type StructureDefinitionType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
(ANY element from namespace(s) '')
QName Type Use Annotation
canonicalUri xs:anyURI optional
HL7® FHIR® canonical URI. Logical URI to reference this StructureDefinition, logical model, value set, etc. (globally unique)
HL7® FHIR® canonical URI. Logical URI to reference this StructureDefinition, logical model, value set, etc. (globally unique)
HL7® FHIR® kanonieke URI. Logische URI om te verwijzen naar deze StructureDefinition, dit logisch model, waardelijst, etc. (wereldwijd uniek)
displayName NonEmptyString optional
A short description string for the designation
effectiveDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the effective date of the version of the object.
expirationDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the expiration date of the version of the object.
flexibility StaticOrDynamicFlexibility optional
Not in use yet: Reference to a StructureDefinition Wrapper. Default is unspecified which means 'latest available version'.
id Oid optional
The identifying OID of the StructureDefinition Wrapper
lastModifiedDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies last point in time that the object was changed.
link xs:anyURI optional
If the FHIR StructureDefinition is contained as a reference, this link points to the source
name ShortFormalName required
The mnemonic name of the StructureDefinition
officialReleaseDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the official release date of the version of the object.
ref Oid optional
Not in use yet: Reference to a StructureDefinition Wrapper @id. StructureDefinition Wrappers SHALL carry either @id or @ref
statusCode TemplateStatusCodeLifeCycle optional
versionLabel ShortDescriptiveName optional
A human readable version number or version label for convenient human rendition; not used by an application.
<xs:element name="structuredefinition" type="StructureDefinitionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element rules / structuredefinitionAssociation
Namespace No namespace
Type StructureDefinitionAssociationType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children concept
<structuredefinitionAssociation effectiveDate="" structuredefinitionId="">
  <concept effectiveDate="" elementId="" elementPath="" ident="" ref="" referencedFrom="" url="">{0,unbounded}</concept>
QName Type Use Annotation
effectiveDate TimeStampNoTimezone required
Reference to the StructureDefinition Warpper @effectiveDate where this StructureDefinition association is referring to
structuredefinitionId required
Reference to the StructureDefinition Warpper @id where this StructureDefinition association is referring to
<xs:element name="structuredefinitionAssociation" type="StructureDefinitionAssociationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>