
Used by
Element ChoiceDefinition / desc
Namespace No namespace
Type FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Use Annotation
language LanguageCode optional
Indicates the language in which the marked up text is expressed
UML: part of a complex stereotype tag
lastTranslated TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Indicates when this languages rendition was last translated from the original.
UML: part of a complex stereotype tag
mimeType MimeType optional
Indicates the mime type in which the data is expressed. If not specified, applications SHALL interpret the content based on other context or
specific application rules. Applications that do not recognize content SHALL retain it unchanged.
UML: Part of a complex tag
<xs:element name="desc" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage"/>
Element ChoiceDefinition / include
Namespace No namespace
Type IncludeDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children constraint, desc, example, item
<include conformance="" flexibility="" isMandatory="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" ref="">
  <desc language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</desc>
  <item label="">{0,1}</item>
  <example caption="" type="neutral">{0,unbounded}</example>
  <constraint language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</constraint>
QName Type Use Annotation
conformance ConformanceType optional
flexibility StaticOrDynamicFlexibility optional
Reference to a template/@effectiveDate. Default is unspecified which means 'latest available version'.
isMandatory xs:boolean optional
Default is unspecified which in practice means 'false'.
maximumMultiplicity UnlimitedInteger optional
Identifies the maximum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (upper-bound)
minimumMultiplicity SmallNonNegativeInteger optional
Identifies the minimum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (lower-bound)
ref BasicIdOrOid required
Reference to a template/@id or @name. References to @name are discouraged because they become ambiguous quickly.
<xs:element name="include" type="IncludeDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element ChoiceDefinition / element
Namespace No namespace
Type RuleDefinition
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children assert, attribute, choice, constraint, defineVariable, desc, element, example, include, inherit, item, let, property, report, text, vocabulary
<element conformance="" contains="" datatype="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" flexibility="" id="" isClosed="false" isMandatory="" lastModifiedDate="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" statusCode="" strength="required" useWhere="false" versionLabel="">
  <desc language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</desc>
  <item label="">{0,1}</item>
  <example caption="" type="neutral">{0,unbounded}</example>
  <inherit datasetEffectiveDate="" datasetExpirationDate="" datasetId="" datasetStatusCode="" datasetVersionLabel="" effectiveDate="" iEffectiveDate="" iExpirationDate="" iStatusCode="" iType="" iVersionLabel="" localInherit="" originalEffectiveDate="" originalExpirationDate="" originalId="" originalPrefix="" originalStatusCode="" originalVersionLabel="" prefix="" ref="" refdisplay="">{0,0}</inherit>
  <vocabulary code="" codeSystem="" codeSystemName="" displayName="" domain="" flexibility="" valueSet="">{0,unbounded}</vocabulary>
  <property currency="" fractionDigits="" maxInclude="" maxLength="" minInclude="" minLength="" unit="" value="">{0,unbounded}</property>
  <attribute classCode="" contextConductionInd="" contextControlCode="" datatype="" determinerCode="" extension="" id="" independentInd="" institutionSpecified="" inversionInd="" isOptional="" mediaType="" moodCode="" name="" negationInd="" nullFlavor="" operator="" prohibited="" qualifier="" representation="" root="" typeCode="" unit="" use="" value="">{0,unbounded}</attribute>
  <let name="" value="">{0,unbounded}</let>
  <assert flag="" role="" see="" test="">{0,unbounded}</assert>
  <report flag="" role="" see="" test="">{0,unbounded}</report>
  <defineVariable name="" path="">{0,unbounded}</defineVariable>
  <element conformance="" contains="" datatype="" displayName="" effectiveDate="" expirationDate="" flexibility="" id="" isClosed="false" isMandatory="" lastModifiedDate="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" name="" officialReleaseDate="" statusCode="" strength="required" useWhere="false" versionLabel="">{0,unbounded}</element>
  <include conformance="" flexibility="" isMandatory="" maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="" ref="">{0,unbounded}</include>
  <choice maximumMultiplicity="" minimumMultiplicity="">{0,unbounded}</choice>
  <constraint language="" lastTranslated="" mimeType="">{0,unbounded}</constraint>
QName Type Default Use Annotation
conformance ConformanceType optional
contains BasicIdOrOid optional
Reference to a template/@id or @name. References to @name are discouraged because they become ambiguous quickly.
datatype xs:QName optional
displayName NonEmptyString optional
A short description string for the designation
effectiveDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the effective date of the version of the object.
expirationDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the expiration date of the version of the object.
flexibility StaticOrDynamicFlexibility optional
Reference to a template/@effectiveDate. Default is unspecified which means 'latest available version'.
id Oid optional
isClosed xs:boolean false optional
Whether the template is open (other elements than specified allowed) or closed (no other elements than specified allowed)
isMandatory xs:boolean optional
Default is unspecified which in practice means 'false'.
lastModifiedDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies last point in time that the object was changed.
maximumMultiplicity UnlimitedInteger optional
Identifies the maximum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (upper-bound)
minimumMultiplicity SmallNonNegativeInteger optional
Identifies the minimum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (lower-bound)
name xs:anyURI optional
officialReleaseDate TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Identifies the official release date of the version of the object.
statusCode ItemStatusCodeLifeCycle optional
strength CodingStrengthType required optional
useWhere xs:boolean false optional
versionLabel ShortDescriptiveName optional
A human readable version number or version label for convenient human rendition; not used by an application.
<xs:element name="element" type="RuleDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element ChoiceDefinition / constraint
Namespace No namespace
Type FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ANY element from ANY namespace
QName Type Use Annotation
language LanguageCode optional
Indicates the language in which the marked up text is expressed
UML: part of a complex stereotype tag
lastTranslated TimeStampNoTimezone optional
Indicates when this languages rendition was last translated from the original.
UML: part of a complex stereotype tag
mimeType MimeType optional
Indicates the mime type in which the data is expressed. If not specified, applications SHALL interpret the content based on other context or
specific application rules. Applications that do not recognize content SHALL retain it unchanged.
UML: Part of a complex tag
<xs:element name="constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage"/>
Complex Type ChoiceDefinition
Namespace No namespace
Choice of elements and includes. The choice supports min/max occurence and any of its constituents may have a min/max occurence. Min/max on consituents cannot exceed the min/max boundaries of the choice.
Used by
Children constraint, desc, element, include, item
QName Type Use Annotation
maximumMultiplicity UnlimitedInteger optional
Identifies the maximum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (upper-bound)
minimumMultiplicity SmallNonNegativeInteger optional
Identifies the minimum number of repetitions of this element that may occur within the containing element.
UML: multiplicity (lower-bound)
<xs:complexType name="ChoiceDefinition">
    <xs:documentation xml:lang="en-US">Choice of elements and includes. The choice supports min/max occurence and any of its constituents may have a min/max occurence. Min/max on consituents cannot exceed the min/max boundaries of the choice.</xs:documentation>
    <!-- description(s) of elements -->
    <xs:element name="desc" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage"/>
    <!-- item label, inherited by all subsequent elements unless overridden -->
    <xs:element ref="item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="include" type="IncludeDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <xs:element name="element" type="RuleDefinition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <!-- DEPRECATED: <xs:element ref="references" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> -->
      <xs:element name="constraint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="FreeFormMarkupWithLanguage"/>
  <xs:attributeGroup ref="MultiplicityRangeOptional"/>